Space Clearing so you can feel lighter too!

Space Clearing so you can feel lighter too!

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Is the energy in your space dragging you down?....

Are you experiencing any of the following body symptoms in your space?… Coughing, sneezing, runny eyes/ nose, gas, fatigue, trouble sleeping, clouded thought?… (Kids may also show these symptoms.  One common sign with kids is that they either can't go to sleep or they are waking through the night)….

Maybe you feel like you're having a great day and once you’re in a certain space you feel angry, irritable, sad/ depressed?…. (Again, kids may be showing these emotions, too).

If you answered yes to one or more of the above, it’s likely that your space (& perhaps your physical body) could use an energy clearing! 

When spirit energies (entities), are present in your space your body will often show you in the way of ‘symptoms’ (as a way of getting you attention).  

A tell tale sign of your space needing a cleanse is that ‘YOU just don’t feel like the LIGHT and JOY you naturally be’.  

You may also feel like you simply don’t want to be in your space, which can be a big problem if it’s your home.   

🌟 During a space clearing session, I’ll tap into the energy of your space and your body.  I'll assess for entities.  I’ll also assess the land for the same.  Some entities require communication, which I can do.  I’ll then clear the entities and activate new light energy in your home connecting your space to the Earth/ source energy.  Sometimes an entity shows up that you may know.  For example, this could be a loved one who's been trying to get your attention.  They may have a message for you.  In which case, I'll receive whatever message they wish to leave and I can then clear them. 

🌟 I’ll also EMPOWER you with some energetic tools, so that you, and your space, feel light everyday!  Woohoo! 

🌟 A clearing is done over the phone and is approx 30-60min.  The time varies as there may be more/ less to clear! 

Once you purchase your clearing, I’ll contact you to book your session.