About/Giving back


I'm so grateful you stopped by!...

I'm Leanne....

I'm a Mama, Wife, Author, Artist, Soul Shine Coach, Energy Activator/Healer, Earth Lover, Creator of Possibilities, Lightworker, and ME!...

Under the drop down menu, you'll find the many ways I love to create more light, ease, joy, and possibilities. 

I invite you to explore my services and I wonder what we could create together?...

Here's a little more about me...

I worked as a registered nurse for 12 years, which gave me an appreciation for the precious gift of life.

It also made me aware that we get to truly choose and 'change' our career paths, in life.  You see, I loved parts of being a Nurse, such as caring for my patients, but I began to feel like I never had enough 'time to care' and lack of staffing, etc., made my job increasingly more difficult.  I also noticed my truth was moving away from the medical paradigm, and into more holistic healing.  

Part of my shift into holistic healing was based on my own healing journey, after I received a diagnosis of degenerative disc disease (in my lumbar spine).  I was diagnosed only a couple years into my Nursing career and went on to Nurse for many for years- often in discomfort.  Though, I wasn't one to show it and could easily 'hide' my discomfort with a smile.  

I tried every modality to get relief...from physio, to massage, to chiropractor, to acupuncture, to seeing an osteopath.  What finally worked for me was the most gentle, modality...'energy healing'. 

I became aware, of how much my thoughts, feelings, and emotions, I had solidified in my body.  They were beginning to show up as dis-ease.

With energy healing, and specifically a mindfulness technique called "The Access Bars®", which helps to release the electromagnetic component of thoughts, feelings, and emotions, my body began to heal, and I finally had EASE.

Not only did I have back/body EASE.... I HEALED my back with ENERGY HEALING....

Plus, getting my bars run on a regular basis, also sparked my creativity, again.  I began painting more and selling my Art (something I previously had decided I couldn't do).  I was able to undo many points of views that were limiting me and create a NEW space for NEW Possibilities!....

I became a certified 'facilitator' and started sharing the Access Bars®, with others, so I could help them create ease, joy, and possibilities, too!...In fact, I taught dozens of Access Bars® classes between 2017-2020.  How does it get any better than that?...

I then became certified in more energy healing modalities, and now enjoy empowering others 1:1, to let go of what no longer serves them, trust their intuition, step into their gifts/capacities, and align to their heart's desires ... If this is something that speaks to you, simply checkout my coaching/energy activation services, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 

I also rediscovered my lifelong love of art, and that I'm inspired by: nature, patterns, color, and pretty much everything!...

Not only did I rediscover art, I also took up writing, and wrote/illustrated the Children's Book, “All the Things You Could Be”, that I had published through Friesen Press Publishing, in the fall of 2019. 

"All The Things You Could Be" is my first book, and my hope is that it will inspire children (and adults) to choose what brings them JOY!...

I've also had the pleasure of donating several books to local schools, in the area, volunteering for my local Library's Family Literacy Day, and donating over 20 books to Santa's Anonymous this past Christmas (2020-during covid times) to spread some joy during uncertain times!......#Grateful...

In May of 2021 I became a best-selling Author when I co-Authored a book titled "bLU Talks Presents: Business, Life and the Universe".  This book is like TedX meets "Chicken Soup for the Soul" combo.  It's full of inspiring stories from many incredible writers, creators, professionals, and entrepreneurs.  You can find the book on Amazon here. 

Also in 2021, I had the pleasure of writing a monthly column for an online magazine called "Modern Warrior Magazine".  It's an inspirational, wellness magazine for both women and men full of empowering articles!  

In spring of 2022, I had the pleasure of doing 14 book reads to 14 different classes for "Education week", at Davidson Creek Elementary School, in Sherwood Park.  I not only read my Children's Book "All The Thing You Could Be", I engaged the kids with questions, singing, movement, and, of course, the message of "possibility", as my book invites them to "Be ANYTHING they choose to BE"!....

Besides the creations listed above, I also enjoy: spending time with family and friends, relaxing at the cabin/beach, being outdoors/barefoot grounding, cooking, painting, writing, playing piano/ukulele/guitar, singing/dancing, skating/playing ringette, swimming, and choosing more of what brings me joy each day!...

Thanks for being here and being you,



P.S.  I often have sweet CLIENT GIFT backs, for my clients who purchase sinlge or package sessions of energy healing.  One continuous gift back is a rewards program, I have, where clients earn points and, once they reach so many, receive a FREE session!  Woohoo!  If you're curious about a gift back or ANY of my services, please contact me here.  Have a beautiful day!

A few FUN pics: 

Above, me doing the 14 book reads, in spring 2022, along with some song and actions- with the kids!  Such a FUN day! 

Me holding a commissioned painting, I painted, from Feb 2021

Me, in my garden, with some big sunflowers I planted, from tiny sunflowers seeds.  They always AMAZE me!).  I made a choice about 4 years ago to plant sunflowers, as I love them so much!  They bring me so much JOY!  Hope they bring you some joy seeing this pic! :)

Me doing a book read when I volunteered to be a part of Family Literacy Day at my local Library.  I also got to help kids make their own storybooks. #grateful :)

Winter 2020 my hubby made a backyard rink.  Here's my family having a skate/pic! lol!

Winter 2020, when I did my first Indigo Book Signing!  I had so much fun!

Me and my daughters jumping in the ocean in Victoria, BC, when our family went on a Spring Break trip there in 2019 (Hubby taking the pic)